
Peak ships with four addons that contain parts of its logic and tooling. The reason for seperating this logic into addons is that you can update them more easily without having to manually edit in changes into your project.

Each addon has fieldsets, views or stubs you can publish to make changes needed for your project. Published files can be found in resources/fieldsets/vendor, resources/stubs/vendor or resources/views/vendor.

The files in those folders take precedence over the files in the addons. So in general it would be wise to only keep files that you need to make changes to and trash published files that don't need edits.

Browser Appearance

The Browser Apperance addon contains contains the browser appearance fieldsets, partials and listener that are being called in by the Browser Appearance Global. In here you can generate favicons, configure browser behaviour and set browser toolbar colors.

Run the following commands to publish fieldsets and views.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="statamic-peak-browser-appearance-fieldsets"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="statamic-peak-browser-appearance-views"

Note: When using the Eloquent Driver make sure you store blueprints and fieldsets as files and not in the database.


The optional paid Commands addon contains the various Peak CLI commands that help speed up development. Make sure to read up on them before starting your project. This addon requires an active license during development.

Run the following commands to publish the addons stubs.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="statamic-peak-commands-stubs"


The SEO addon contains all SEO fieldsets and partials. It also contains all logic and templates used for generating OG images and redirects.

Run the following commands to publish fieldsets and views.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="statamic-peak-seo-fieldsets"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="statamic-peak-seo-views"

Note: When using the Eloquent Driver make sure you store blueprints and fieldsets as files and not in the database.


The Tools addon contains the following features: the form submission logic, picture partial, the noscript partial, the skip to content partial the pagination partial, the toolbar, the missing alt text widget and live Preview enhancements.

Run the following commands to publish views.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="statamic-peak-tools-views"