
Peak contains a few basic typography partials in resources/views/typography. Whenever you need to render text in your partial you could call the relevant partial or add a new one. Usually typography styles are shared, so this helps keeping your templates DRY.

Typography partials

Let's say we have a block in our page builder with a:

{{ title }}

field. In the template partial for your block you could do the following:

{{ partial:typography/h1 :content="block:title" }}

This will render the title with the styling defined in typography/h1. This way you ensure the same styling throughout your website without having to add or edit Tailwinds utility classes in multiple template files. Exceptions are possible. You can change the tag, text color and add classes when you need to:

{{ partial:typography/h1 as="span" color="text-error-600" class="mb-8" :content="block:title" }}

Peak comes with a few defaults that are easy to style. Add as many partials your website needs.

Bard content

When you have content coming from the Bard fieldtype you can use the typography/prose partial. That file contains default prose modifiers to style your bard content. Update them according to your design needs or pass in extra classes via the class parameter.

{{ partial:typography/prose as="article" class="prose-h4:text-neutral" }}
    {{ block:text }}
{{ /partial:typography/prose }}

If you need different prose configurations just create different prose partials and load those in.